Friday, July 24, 2015

Vintage Cowichan Sweater by GiGi Witham

   I have decided to pare down my sweater collection and when is the perfect time to sell them is the dead of summer, right? Okay I have no reservations about this, I got the okay from my hubby to sell his childhood sweaters. We don't have kids anyway to pass them down to, so they are up for grabs.
These sweaters are all personally made by my husband's grandma, she knitted five sweaters for each grandchild, who now are in their  late 40s and 50s.  I was told that the raccoon one was very famous in the late 60s to early 70s. My husband said he wore it in high school for awhile, then grew out of it and had stored it away in his grandma's attic. Gigi gave it to me because she knew that I loved animals, especially squirrels.I never wore to town, only around my cabin in Indianola. This sweater  keep me very warm through the cold winters there. I stored it away along with the others when I started not wearing sweaters during this great heatwave that women go through, hehe. I decided this week I would list them on my blog and other places. I know for a fact that the two Cowichan sweaters ,the deer and the raccoon were made by Genevieve  or Gigi Bacon Witham, and the other just showed up through the years. My husband doesn't remember it, I think my neighbor gave me the tan/ brown one when I was living in our cabin. It was many moons ago....
   I would have kept them, but like I said I'm paring down my vintage sweater collection, among other things.  Again, you will enjoy this collection. I've seem these fetch a pretty penny on ETSY, which I may or may not list on there too many of them..rats.  I will be selling these as a wholesale lot, not separately. They are not perfect, but very wearable. I have listed photos of the flaws, not bad.  The raccoon one, has pilling, please note photos. The deer one has small stains from my husband's cocoa when he was little, he even remembers spilling on it. There's some color bleeding, note photos. And lastly the the zipper needs to tacked down. The last one has some color changed, kind of a reddish tint, from the brown and one notable stain on the front, looks like rust. What I would do is redo the knitting or try to remove carefully. Sorry, I don't know how to remove rust. All in all these are such a good vintage find, please let me know if you need measurements. If you are a reseller than it doesn't matter. I will sell them on my website very soon. Just email me if you have any questions. Thanks! Update: I just listed them - all of them are $40.00 each  ,not selling separately. Sorry shipping is not free , only for lighter garments.

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